pyAgrum installation


pip install pyagrum


poetry add pyagrum


conda install -c conda-forge pyagrum


  • You can run a notebook with pyAgrum installed inside a Docker container using the following command:
docker pull agrumery/pyagrum-notebook:latest

docker run -it --rm -p 8888:8888 -v [workfolder]:/home/jovyan/work --user root -e NB_UID=1000 agrumery/pyagrum-notebook


([workfolder] is the path of a folder where your notebooks will be stored)

  • If you are just interested in running pyAgrum inside a Docker container, you can use the agrumery\pyagrum image:
docker pull agrumery/pyagrum:latest

docker run -it agrumery/pyagrum

From source

You can install pyAgrum from source on Windows, Linux and Mac OS. Each operating system has its specificities, but regardless of you OS you will need to :

#1. Download pyAgrum source
git clone

#2. Install pyAgrum dependencies. For instance,
pip install numpy scipy matplotlib pydotplus

#3. Build pyAgrum
cd aGrUM
python act release test -t quick pyAgrum

#4. Install pyAgrum
python act install pyAgrum -d [installation_folder]

installation_folder is the folder where you wish to install the pyAgrum python package.