aGrUM/pyAgrum 0.13.4 released
Posted on Wed 19 December 2018 in News
ANNOUNCE: aGrUM 0.13.4
aGrUM/pyAgrum 0.13.4 is out.
Changelog for 0.13.4
- pyAgrum
- minor API changes
- minor changes in documentation
- BNLearner follows the new learning framework
- parametric EM !! See notebook
- New method : JointTargetedInference.jointMutualInformation for any set of variables in the BN
- aGrUM
- parametric EM !!
- several internal improvements
- learning: major update of the scores, independence tests and record counters: They can now be used on subsets of databases (e.g., for cross validation), the ids of the nodes need not correspond to in dices of columns in the database . The interfaces of these classes have been simplified.
- learning: all the scores have been speeded-up
- learning: new score fNML has been introduced
- learning: Dirichlet apriori has been improved: the variables in its database need not be in the same order as those of the learning database
- learning: all the score-related testunits have been improved
- learning: the documentations of the scores have been improved
- learning: the corrected mutual information of 3off2 has been improved
- BNLearner: now supports cross validation
- New method : JointTargetedInference::jointMutualInformation for any set of variables in the BN