aGrUM/pyAgrum 1.15.0 released

   -- Posted on Wed 17 July 2024 in News

ANNOUNCE: aGrUM 1.15.0

aGrUM/pyAgrum 1.15.0 is out.

We continue to add (full python) experimental models. In 1.15, we introduce the CTBN model (Continuous Time Bayesian Network) featuring, as usual, modelization and representation, inference (exact and sampling) and a learning algorithm.

  • aGrUM
  • Added gum::NodeId …

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aGrUM/pyAgrum 1.14.1 released

   -- Posted on Thu 27 June 2024 in News

ANNOUNCE: aGrUM 1.14.1

aGrUM/pyAgrum 1.14.1 is out.

  • aGrUM

    • Fixing compilation errors for clang18 (thanks to @yurivict).
  • pyAgrum

    • Fixing python version for readthedocs.

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aGrUM/pyAgrum 1.14.0 released

   -- Posted on Wed 12 June 2024 in News

ANNOUNCE: aGrUM 1.14.0

aGrUM/pyAgrum 1.14.0 is out.

  • aGrUM

    • gum::Potential::marg{Xyz}{In|Out} are renamed gum::Potental::{xyz}{In|Out} to cut down on some verbosity. (for instance : p.margSumOut becomes p.sumOut)
    • Better error messages for gum::BNLearner<GUM_DATA>
  • pyAgrum

    • Dropping support of …

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